
2023年1月27日出版 2023年8月1日更新

A graphic with the text "Communities and workers are at risk from exposure to ethylene oxide" overlaid over a photo of children on a merry go round in front of an industrial building.

UCS, along with our national and local partners, is advocating for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to strengthen science-based protections for ethylene oxide (or EtO).

环氧乙烷是 致癌气体 在工业过程中使用 facilities that sterilize medical equipment and dried food products. 根据… ProPublica的分析, ethylene oxide is the biggest contributor nationwide to excess industrial cancer risk from air pollutants. 和黑色的, Latinx, 低收入, and non-English-speaking communities are disproportionately exposed to facilities emitting it.

An 分析 由UCS, 将于2023年2月上映, shows that 环氧乙烷排放 from commercial sterilizers are contributing to inequitable exposure, creating an ongoing and urgent environmental justice issue. 使用我们的 互动地图, you can navigate to see the locations of nearly 100 commercial sterilizer facilities across the United States and Puerto Rico and learn about the threat they pose to nearby communities.


加入我们 to stay updated on the fight for strong, equitable ethylene oxide protections. We are pushing for the EPA to require facilities to significantly decrease, 理想情况下消除, 环氧乙烷排放.

We are actively monitoring the EPA’s rulemaking process. You can review the resources below to find out more. And we will share additional information and resources soon about how you can best voice your concerns directly to the agency.


